Student Video Challenge (Stage 1) Stage 1: Deadline Oct 15 Faculty AdvisorName(Required) Given Name Family Name Title/Rank(Required) Academic Department(Required) College/University(Required) Email(Required) Phone(Required)ProjectTitle(Required) Abstract(Required)(up to 250 words)US Student #1US Student #1 Name Given Name Family Name US Student #1 Email Address US Student #1 College/University US Student #1 Majors and Minors US Student #1 Expected Graduation Year US Student #2US Student #2 Name Given Name Family Name US Student #2 Email Address US Student #2 College/University US Student #2 Majors and Minors US Student #2 Expected Graduation Year Asian Student #1Asian Student #1 Name Given Name Family Name Asian Student #1 Email Address Asian Student #1 College/University Asian Student #1 Majors and Minors Asian Student #1 Expected Graduation Year Asian Student #2Asian Student #2 Name Given Name Family Name Asian Student #2 Email Address Asian Student #2 College/University Asian Student #2 Majors and Minors Asian Student #2 Expected Graduation Year